
Oswald Perktold

The dubious Aloisiusunterricht
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
copyright location:
date of recording:
English translation by:
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Italian translation by:
Nicole D´Incecco
But the "lessons Aloysius - Aloysius after this lesson I wanted to be holy. I have done everything possible to be holy. Signed me impressed with that. That was the pinnacle of educational deceit - say like that. That was - the minister has declared us the Aloysius Gonzaga. He was able to tell incredibly good, informed us the former environment, the dress code, etc. everything, everything right out in three dimensions. And then one day is not the original wording, but as it were, "Today we go to the practical part of." And that was a room and on the wall hung a painting of St. Aloysius, patron saint of chastity, purity. And since he has the altar boys, ten in number # I've asked the then five years older colleagues. "Yes, right" And I might have been the smallest. So there stood. The Hermann was there because I have the sound from the pastor in the ear, "Hermann, nit ..." As he explained: "Now everyone can prove to us that he is steadfast and shun the unchaste simplicity. We have abglegt the clothes until we were standing there stark naked And the pastor is going around with his stick in his hand. , savored from the back and front, the boy's body there, then again, pat on the butt and "Hermann - do not know ..." And I was so moved that I so steadfast always the holy Aloysius - the Haloisius - in the eye not by the rich possibilities in this space - not went on to say, but only Aloisius not unchaste Is it perverse..